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Forest Scene


Fluxus∞ presents itself as a daily barometer of the paradigm shifts of our time and of our interrelationship with the environment.


Fluxus∞ is a visual and interactive installation highlighting landscapes of Anticosti modified in connection with the data flows of environmental and energy news on Twitter and by the presence of people near the video wall in the large hall of the Council of the arts of Canada.


Fluxus∞, “Everything is linked, everything is flow”, the installation evokes our interrelationship with the universe and the natural world.


The work FLuxus∞ is the result of an environmental activism initiative in favor of the protection of Anticosti Island from 2010 until 2018.

Order of work 2015-2016

of the Canada Council for the Arts

for the Great Hall of the building

150 Elgin Street, Ottawa, Canada

Team and support: Alexandre Quessy, Philippe Hughes, LSKA, David Fortman, Cylcing'74

Fluxus∞ 2.0

In 2018, for the FLuxus∞ exhibition in the Topo Agency window, part of the Fluxus∞ installation presented at the Canada Council for the Arts was adapted for space.

A varied human fauna circulated in this corridor which lingered to read the news concerning the environment and which was renewed daily. 

Fluxus∞ 3.0

In 2018, for my participation in the International Symposium of Contemporary Art of Baie St-Paul, "Art and Politics", I conducted about twenty interviews with the spectators on their perception of climate change.

New video material was added to Fluxus∞, concerning Gaspésie also at grips with the exploitation of hydrocarbons near salmon rivers.

That summer, it was scorching heat in the valley that many residents of Baie St-Paul had never experienced before.  

You can read the first interview conducted

Video presentation

Fluxus∞ 2.0
Topo et Printemps numériques, Montréal


Fluxus∞ 3.0 
Symposium International d'Art Contemporain de Baie St-Paul



Conférence Louise Boisclair

Une triple immersion écosphérique : vie, terre et œuvre.

Programme ICI Interventions culturelles internationales

UQAM École des arts visuels et médiatiques.
Segment sur mon travail

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