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Marie-Hélène Parant is a multidisciplinary visual arts, media arts and new interactive media artist. She is from Quebec City. Marie-Hélène holds a bachelor's degree from Laval University and a master's degree from the University of Quebec in Montreal in visual and media arts with parallel training in dance and music.


From a practice at the start of painting and drawing, she moved towards video, performance and installation (with counterpoints in dance, electroacoustic music, radiophony and literature) then towards digital media for their possibilities. combinations and vast fields of discovery.  


She develops interactive video programming tools based, among other things, on movement. Her practice focuses on concepts of transformation (transition) of the body and the environment and is expressed through audio or video interventions, dance, installation and interactive performance. Her photo and video work is often the first step in a journey of exploration that will later lead her to installation projects.

Marie-Hélène also co-founded SHARE MTL, a nomadic organization for sharing and improvised digital encounters, which she coordinated from 2005 to 2010. SHARE MTL, partner of SHARE in NY has partnered with several cultural organizations including Vidéographe, LABO and iMAL in Belgium. SHARE as its name suggests allowed the sharing of ideas, knowledge and discoveries between artists. Several special events, often in streaming, have allowed the concept of SHARE to spread through new cells and to create links between international players.

His work of installations, performances, videos and photos has been presented in various national and international events, in Europe (WÖRM, iMAL, Club Transmediale, VidéoFormes, Traverse Vidéo), in Asia (INIAF 809, Zendai MOMA), in Canada (International Symposium of Contemporary Arts of Baie St-Paul, Agence Topo, HTMlles, InTheMix, OFF Montreal Jazz Festival, Society for Arts and Technology, ChampLibre, Festival du nouveau cinema, ISEA, Galerie de l'UQAM, Galerie du National Museum of Fine Arts of Quebec), in the United States (Optosonic Tea, Experimental Intermedia, ArtSpace Gallery) as well as in Morocco (Casablanca International Video Art Festival).

From 2010 to 2018, she was actively involved in environmental causes. In particular, she adopted the cause for the protection of Anticosti Island, from which the work Fluxus∞ is based.

short resume

Grants, competitions

2021  Production Grant, Digital Arts, Canada Council for the Arts

2020  Research and Creation Grant, Digital Arts, Canada Council for the Arts

2018  Research and Creation Grant, Digital Arts, Canada Council for the Arts

2015-2016  Winner, National Competition "Interactive Work Commission", video wall Canada Council for the Arts

2010  Travel grant, Council of Arts and Letters of Quebec

2009  Research and Creation Grant, Media Arts, Canada Council for the Arts

2008  Travel grant, Council of Arts and Letters of Quebec

2008  Grant trip, Canada Council for the Arts

2004  Development grant, media arts, Conseil des Arts et des lettres du Québec

2003  Travel Grant, Media Arts Section, Canada Council for the Arts.

2003  Research and creation grant, media arts, Conseil des Arts et des lettres du Québec

2002  Research and creation grant, media arts, Conseil des Arts et des lettres du Québec

2001  Production Grant, Media Arts Section, Canada Council for the Arts.

2000  Travel grant, Canada Council for the Arts

2000  Subvention Travel, Council of Arts and Letters of Quebec

1999  Travel grant Canada Council for the Arts. 

1998  Co-Production Grant, PRIM Center for Media Arts.

Residential homes

2022  Experimental residency laboratories Chambre Blanche, Quebec

2018  Residence International Symposium of Contemporary Art of Baie St-Paul

2010  Residency Videographer Production, interactive digital arts

2010  Residence AIR, WÖRM, Rotterdam, interactive digital arts

2009  Videographer Production residency, PARC room, interactive digital arts,

2008  Residence, 809 INIAF, Yichang, China, interactive digital arts

2008  Residence Elsa Vieira Lisbon, Portugal

2000  PRIM, co-production & residency, Montreal, Canada   

1999  PRIM, residency, Carte Blanche Casablanca, Montreal, Canada

1995-1997  AVID Technology, sponsorship in the form of a residency, Montreal

1995  Digital creation residency, Center NAD, Montreal Quebec

Exhibitions and concerts

2020  Equality: Interconnection, NowNet Arts Lab Ensemble NY, USA, weekly live network event

2020  OptoSonic Tea [UnLock] (BYOTea): Online, collaboration NowNet Arts & Parrish Art Museum, NY, USA

2019  Intersections, Ateliers Jean Brillant, Montreal, Canada

2018  International Contemporary Art Symposium of Baie St-Paul, Charlevoix, Canada

2018  Solo, TOPO Agency, Montreal, Canada

2016  Solo, commissioned work, video wall, grand hall of the Canada Council for the Arts & Unesco, Ottawa, Ca

2015  Luminous Surface 2, Salisbury University Art Galleries, Maryland, USA

2014  Luminous Surface, The Mission for Temporal Art, North Carolina, USA

2012  Solo, Espace Musée Québécor, curator Manon Blanchette, Montreal, Canada

2011  Solo, Presentation and residency exhibition, Videographer, Montreal, Canada

2010  Performance digital, HTMlles Festival, StudioXX Geordie Hall, Montreal, Canada

2010  Digital performance, Son&Vue event, EasternBloc, Montreal, Canada

2010  Solo, Foo bar, Wörm center, Rotterdam, Netherlands

2009  Digital performance, Sight&Sound Event, EaternBloc, Montreal, Canada

2009  FERNFELD, 1st edition, online Düsseldorf, Germany

2009  Experimental Intermedia, Screen compositions 5, New York, USA

2008  Solo, iMAL (interactive Media Art Laboratory), Brussels, Belgium

2008  Performance digital, Shanghai Zendai Museum of Modern Art (Shanghai, China)

2008  Spring of Quebec, Contemporary Art Center of Meymac, Haute-Corrèze, France

2008  809 International New Image Art Festival, Yichang, China

2008  Performance digital, La Quarantaine, Brussels, Belgium

2008  Performance digital, Slash-tmp, Hexagon series, Berlin, Germany

2008  Performance digital, O Seculo centro cultural, Lisbon, Portugal

2008  Center Bellegarde, Traverse Video, Toulouse, France

2007  Performance digital, Optosonic Tea, Issue Project Room, Brooklyn, USA

2007  Performance digital, Spin gallery, Toronto, Canada

2007  Share Lab, Nuit Blanche Toronto, Canada

2007  Concert, duo Groupe Pierre Labbé & MHParant, OFF Montreal Jazz Festival, Canada

2007  Share.Mobile, CTM.07 Club Transmediale, Berlin, Germany

2006  Performance digital, Land in Sight, Indigenous Presence, MixSessions SAT, Montreal, Canada

2006  SHARE at Nuit Blanche, Festival en Lumière, Montreal

2005  Performance digital, Closing night Mkyoto, SAT, Montreal, Canada

2005  Experimental Intermedia, Screen compositions, NY, USA

2005  Share Roundtable, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, USA

2005  SHARE NY, Brooklyn, New York, USA

2005  Artequinox 12:33 PM, Montreal,Canada

2005  Share NY, East Village, New York

2005  Solo, Val-d'Or Exhibition Center, Abitibi-Témiscamingue, Canada

2005  SHARE NY, BPM, Brooklyn, USA

2004  Interactivity, Park, Videographer, Montreal

2004  Materiality of Sound in Image, Art NeXus gallery, Williamsburg, USA

2003  Interactivity, Park, Videographer Production, Montreal

2003  Time Out (videography), dance duo, choreographer Michèle Rioux, Espace Tangente. Montreal

2003  Lumki (videographic), kinemusical performance, Maxime Rioux composer, Clark workshop, Mtl

2003  Traverse Video, Toulouse, France

2003  Web cam intervention, Digital-club, Clermont-Ferrant, France

2001  Solo, Prim Center for Media Arts, Montreal

2000  Performance, VideoForms, 15th International Video Art Festival, Clermont-Ferrand, France 

2000   The transmusicales of Rennes, VideoFormes, France

2000   Tram'Video Lyon, France,

2000   Club Saw Video in collaboration with Daìmon, Ottawa, Canada

2000   In phase, Caen, France

2000   Outerlimits, Artist Space Gallery, New York, USA

2000   Emergence Zone, In View & Videographer, Videographer Space, Montreal, Canada

2000   Emergence Zone, Sequence Gallery. Chicoutimi, Canada

2000   Action Art Actuel Gallery, St-Jean-sur-le-Richelieu, Canada

1999   Tranz-tech: First Toronto International Media Art Biennial, Toronto, Canada

1999   Zone d'Emergences, Antitube, Quebec, Canada

1999   Zone d'Émergences, 4th International Video and Electronic Art Event, ChampLibre. Montreal

1999  Performance, Video Art Festival of Casablanca, Morocco

1999  Solo, National Exhibition Center of Jonquière, Quebec, Canada

1998   Perte de Signal, Café La Nagra, Quebec Cinematheque, Montreal, Canada

1998   Public Confessions, Prim, Media Arts Center Montreal

1996   "Love Mother Earth", World's First International Graphic Design Competition, Tokyo, Japan

1995   ISEA'95 Montreal,  Canada

1994   JAZZBIT 94 Multimedia Festival, Pori, Finland 

1994   BIT.MOVIE'94 International Computer Art Festival, Riccione, Italy

1993   BIT.MOVIE '93, Festival Internazional di Computer Art, Riccione Italy

1992   Living Memories, International Computer Film Festival, Montreal, Canada

1989   Arts & Computers, curators L.Marchand & L.Poissant, UNESCO International Colloquium, Galerie UQAM,  

       Montreal, Canada

Public Art - permanent or ephemeral creations

2016-2017  Anticosti, 8 panoramic format photos on aluminum, permanent exhibition, Villa Médica, Montreal

2015-2016  Work order Fluxus∞, National competition in interactive media for the video wall of the grand hall of the  

           Canada Council for the Arts and UNESCO, Ottawa, Canada

2007  Fountain Liquidity Luxor Hotel Las Vegas, permanent, MaxMSP Jitter programmer for Réalisations.net2003  L'immortelle, video installation 3 synchronized DVDs, ephemeral, Traverse Video, Toulouse, France

Public Art - Finalist

2018  Preparatory study and model, Interactive Public Art Competition, Center Aquatique de Granby

2012  Finalist in 2nd selection, preparatory study and model, Digital Public Art Competition,

      Rio Tinto Planetarium, Montreal, Canada

2012  Finalist Work of Digital Public Art, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital

2011  Consultant, orientation works of art context public art (visual and digital arts), CGA Architects

2005  Finalist in the 2nd selection, Ephemeral Landscape Competition, Preparatory study interactive showcase Montreal

1996  Model sculpture & digital photos on Duratrans, collaboration Sylvie Girard architect,

      Ste-Justine Hospital, Montreal

Conferences, speeches

2019  St-Laurent College, visual arts department, art history, presentation of my approach

2018  Presentation in the studio, Symposium International d'Art Contemporain de Baie St-Paul

2016  Composite #3, Agence Topo and Conseil des Arts de Montréal, Fluxus∞ installation presentation

2015  Inauguration installation Fluxus∞, Canada Council for the Arts, Ottawa (Nov 10)

2007   SHARE Roundtable @ MIT5 (Media in Transition 5) conference Creativity, ownership and collaboration in the

       digital age, MIT, Boston, MA, USA

2007   SHARE GLOBAL MEETING, reading & presentations, Maria am Ostbahnhof, Club Transmediale 2007, Berlin 2005   SHARE Roundtable discussion @The IDMI Lab, Polytechnic University, Brooklyn, USA

Event planning

2009  SIGHTandSOUND, May 29, 2009, in collaboration with Eastern Bloc, Montreal

2008  SHARE BRUSSELS / launch participation, iMAL and Cimatics Festival, Brussels. Belgium

2008  SHARE MTL/Nomad/Chile/Vancouver streaming from BerlinGalerie Slash-tmp, Berlin, Germany

2007  SHARE LABO event, Nuit Blanche de Toronto, partnership Laboratoire d'Art, Toronto

2007  SHARE in the Park, Open Work Event, PureData Congress, SAT & Videographer

2007  SHARE GLOBAL, SHARE MTL in Berlin and streaming from Montreal, Club Transmediale, Berlin

2006  SHARE GLOBAL ISEA 2006, streaming Montreal, New York, San Diego, Paris, Estonia, SAT, San José, USA 2006  SHARE at Nuit Blanche de Montréal, partnership Elektra, Place des Arts, Vidéographe Prodruction, Festival

      in Light 2006, Montreal, Canada

2005  SHARE NY special, VJ demo, special guests - Ilan Katin, Daniel Vatsky and Michael Liegl of Share

      NY, Montreal, Canada

2005  SHARE MTL launch, in collaboration with Vidéographe Production, Bain St-Michel, Montreal


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